Posts by Oncologa15 2
January 19, 2011
I just finished Club Day 2. I got my domain from, and the website up and running with Wordpress. I am so excited that I am right on track, and performing all the tasks. The beauty of the Article Affiliate Marketing Club is that you get to perform these assignments each day and that you must be on time doing them, or else you will be delayed. I have been waiting for this opportunity to enroll in this club since December. Now I can truly say, that I have not failed on Internet Marketin
December 08, 2010
Today has been slow and steady. I have been able to do my assignments of my classes. My deadline for making my first dollar online is December 15. However, I don't know if I am going to make it, since I have a bunch of quizzes and exams coming up... It is difficult studying and working on your campaign at the same time. Working and studying takes a lot of effort period. But great things require effort, right? I just have to put more action and effort in my classes and WA. I have many stuff to do
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