Even People Really BAD at Internet Marketing Can Make Money Online

Last Update: March 04, 2011

What a Morning!

So I found someone clicked a random link on one of my sites and I knew it was a broken link but with a million pages to sort through I had difficultly locating it.

What I didn't have difficulty with was finding the million OTHER broken links... seemingly on every single page I looked at!

Now if this was a program/campaign that wasn't making money, I would understand... but this campaign is making a good amount of money and getting good traffic.  I can't imagine how many sales I have lost to bad links (including a pile of links on one of my highest traffic pages!).


That is all for today lol.

Barry / Onefineham

UPDATE: Bigman posted a helpful WordPress Plugin to help find and deal with broken links

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onefineham Premium
smadronia Premium
I knew a gal in a similar situation. A broken link kept her from making sales for 6 months. I think the moral isn't just check your links, but check your links as soon as they go up, and shortly thereafter. It's not good enough to throw them up, check them when you do so, otherwise after 6 months of wondering, you'll finally check. And then you've missed out on a lot of chances.