Posts by Organizeit 2
January 23, 2012
My "About" page has gone missing....when I click on edit, it shows the way it should (picture of helping puzzle piece and content about the site and myself)....however when I publish/update and check it live, it's got a "Directory:Prorganized" heading on the window tab and my member/user comments as the content....I'm using buddy press...going to check FTP folders and make sure I didn't mistakenly get one mixed up.  Any other suggestions????????
January 07, 2012
As I'm eager to really get going on this, I can't help but thinking am I crazy for being so pushy and doing 2 or 3 days of work in one?  I literally haven't gotten out of my pj's for 2 days as I can't help but login and get going!  Am looking forward to what happens after day 10. Am taking some time to continue my marathon training, as it's been pushed to the back burner this weekend (rest is good) so I'm glad to have a couple things to focus on!  My goals for this week are to kee