Posts by Paci 11
August 14, 2012
This should not be so serious all the time!
August 11, 2012
This guy must be a Internet Marketer! Who will confess?... Cheers!
Hi, its WP Links plugin.What is the purpose of WP Links?For starters, the plugin substantially increases your average visitor time on page by keeping your site open longer. Let’s say someone clicks a link that is dropped in a comment, with most wordpress blogs, that link will open in the same “tab” or “window” ending that visitors duration.If that user decides to further engage with your site, then they must then click the back button which unnecessarily alters the
Hi Gals and Guys,This has bothered me a long time. Finally i got a guts to ask. I have trying to find advice or training about how the hell I can put those "legal" pages on footer area. damn i`m stupid ;) Is it so simple that i just add my page link down there? Please help me out of this.ThanksPaci
Hi, don`t remember are there training about this, but if you do not use this s"trick" you willlose a lot of free traffic. I have done this many, many works!You all have those social buttons above your blog posts, right?If you don`t have StumbleUpon button, then add it there. What you need to do is very simple.#1 Create your Stumbleupon account. Keep in mind that you create account for your niche.#2 Every time you make a new article/blog post, "stumble" it = submit = push that stumbleu
If you are using Wordpress for your site, chance is you are using a good-looking theme for your site.Do you know that these themes usually has a security hole that allow hackers to insert bad codes into your site?Yes, even those theme that you downloaded from trusted theme design companies might be vunlerable.Just scroll down for a 2-minutes DIY fix for this security issue, otherwise here's the story cut short: most of themes today uses a piece of code called TimThumb and there is a HUGE pro
Hi, there has been a lot of talk and different opinions about Google recentupdates. What to do and what should not. I just watch a webinar which washosted by Affilorama.There was so much info that i can`t remember all of it but I make a few notes and now share those with you guys. There are main points of it, which you can easily do on every site you have.So, here we go;For first time ever, big G is paying attention to the user experience on your site.The old way of "targeting keywords"- visitor
1 comment
Basically its this simple.Step #1 - Create a Video Channel with your primarykeyword in itStep #2 - Give your video a name as your primary keywordyou want to rank it forStep #3 - Use your primary keyword and one secondarykeyword in the title of your videoStep #4 - Use your target URL (where you want to drivetraffic) first think in descriptionStep #5 - Create keyword optimized description (justuse primary keyword and secondary keywords in it)Step #6 - Get at least 15-30 views within 60 minutesafte
Just wondering what useful can i share with you WA friends. Then i remember this, which is helped me to get things done. If you have tendency of procrastination (like i have), try this.Its written by Ruchi Vasishta. She is a fulltime internet marketer and a successful one. 1. The night before I write out everything I would like to acheive the next day, nowdon't go over-board with this and make it impossible to win, and at the same timedon't give yourself a 20 minute task and then high 5
Hi,I´m a ex Ice Hockey Player and I LOVE this kind of stuff.It`s a right attitude what makes difference between winning or loosing.Watch this. It could save your day. Cheers