About Pajama Income
Joined January 2008
I am a easy going person. I like reading hate not knowing what is going on. I sit in traffic minimum of 4 hours every day and I hate it. I have a degree in Business Administration / Accounting. I have 2 boys they are my why. The people that know me well will say that I think I am a therapist. I have the answer to all that ails you. So come lay on my couch! Anyway, I would really like to make a go of this online marketing thing. If I can make enough to replace my income I would be on happy trooper. I would love to own my time.
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MoneyMagnet3 Premium
Hi, it's MoneyMagnet3 (shalisha) You are gorgeous! Sorry we missed each other on the phone. Are you around?
Pajama Income Premium
Hey there,
Thanks for the compliment. You are beautiful too. I am on now and will be a little later. I will holla at you later if I don't catch you online. Got to got get groceries in a bit.
MaxEffect Premium
Hi Pajama Income . . . I joined just over a week ago and while feeling overwhelmed by the vast amount of resources at WA, I know I'm in the right place to get the right education for IM. You clearly joined six months ago, how has the experience been for you?
cjmoney Premium
Hi Ms. Pajama..
I would like to become your buddy...if there is anything that i can
do please feel free to ask...we are all here to help one another
and learn..by the way...my name is Chris..I am from CA
Check out my profile and Blogs....stay in touch..OK?
Hey Lady...u gotta stop sitting in traffic 4 hrs daily..
You must become a successful Business Owner & Networker......U FEEL ME?...LOL
What is your name?

Carson, CA
Sept. 9, 08
Girlguide Premium
Hi Pajama Income...our personalities sound quite similar, so whenever all those people laying on your couch starts getting to your head, you can come lay on mine for a while. Anyway, I'm new here but I intend to get really focused with this and let it take me some place successful. Hope we'll be able to help each other along the way.
Pajama Income Premium
Welcome and much success
kpfingaz Premium
Welcome to WA.
kpfingaz Premium
Hate when that happens. Would have loved to read what your heart wrote. ;)
Pajama Income Premium
Shoot I just wrote my heart out and it tells me to log in
Pajama Income Premium
I had read one of your post in the forum about oh shoot I can't remember the site now. At any rate you were saying that no one knew or heard of St. Vincent. Being an islander myself, I understand where you were coming from. I have been to Barbados but not St.Vincent. I was married to a man from Dominica. I was actually born in Tortola but grew up in St. Thomas VI. When I talk to people about where I am from I usually don't say Tortola as I can see the lights go off. When I say St.Thomas sometimes they are barely hanging by a thread. It is amusing some times as well as frustrating. I am having trouble with the add a buddy thingy