I'm here and... confused

Last Update: October 17, 2009

Hello WA community,

 this is my first blog entry here - boy, I'm excited and actually a bit ashamed... So much material and I'm not even able to use the keyword research tool correctly!

All day long I've been walking through the apartment looking and thinking about a niche that may be profitable. I came up with several ideas and started doing my research with the tools available here. There seems to be a problem with the Yahoo search engine as there're no results shown no matter what I type in, but somehow the "Keyword Research Tool" or more precisely its implementation in the "Rapid Writer" shows me results that are not the identical with what Google shows me.

For example: Searching for "thepiratebay net" I'm told there are 691 "quoted results" for that keyword. Now, let's fire up Google by clicking on the number:
Google tells me that they're "8,980" results for the term - substantially more isn't it. Now, what am I doing wrong, may someone help me out? :-(


I fired up the Rapid Writer and switched to the Keyword Research module.
Now, I typed in "social anxiety". How many results on ezinearticles.com?
A big "zero" appeared on screen. But how many articles are there really on this subject? The answer: A whopping 261 pages full.

Something is very wrong here.

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dlandry Premium
Patrick - I'm thinking that the 691 are "exact phrase" and the 8980 are not. If you try it again and put quotes around it, you will get a lower number, I think.