WA - Getting to Know You!

Last Update: June 09, 2010

Okay - I can see it's going to take a little while just to get my head wrapped around how to access all the info here.

I initially sent out a couple of private emails simply because I hadn't yet figured out how to reply to a posting. Think I've got it now - just click on quote!? and then reply.

So I'll just keep browsing around and learn as I go.

I do have a question for Kyle, Carson, or anyone who knows—

Under skills/attributes on our profile pages, there's a set scroll list to choose from. What if one has a skill not in that list? Is there a way for me to add to the list?

If I could, I'd add proof reading and copy editing; two things I'm very good at and two services many people could use; spell check has definite limitations as most writer's are well aware.

So, until it's added to the list of skill choices, just remember me if you need someone to read over your ad, website, lead page, or manuscript before rolling out your campaign. ;-)





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