About PB
Joined September 2010
Hello thanks for visiting my WA Space. Im trying to pursue my Internet Marketing career in hopes of some day quitting my day job. Dont get me wrong I like my day job. I work as a Systems|Network Security Engineer I find this field of work very challenging and rewarding. I work some times days almost non stop on projects and fixing problems that in the end result make the company I work for more money and not me or my family. I love my wife more than I do my work and I want to be able to spend those long hours with her.

Now lets get to work!
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famousplumber Premium
What a great attitude! Your motivation sounds like a coming success story tome!
Old Mizer Premium
Welcome to the Community. It sounds like you have quite and education. You will find the challenges here are also very rewarding. Glad to have you on the team.
PB Premium
I'm sure it's nothing compared to everyones knowledge here.
Horne1 Premium
You've got all the right reasons for being here PB! Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
PB Premium
Thanks for having me. It's good to be here.
PB Premium
Just joined WA after several other IM sites. I think this one is going to stick. Let's do work.