Testing Testing 123

Last Update: October 23, 2009

This is my first "official" blog. Thanks to Honey and her help working out the bugs. (will donate gold)

Well, the best place to start is an update I suppose. I have created two lens's on Squidoo.  Just for fun, so that I could apply potpiegirl's very informative and accurate instructions. (have donated gold)

I am learning a bit about html, and wow, it is very detailed but easy to follow and to begin recognizing the "lingo".

Still studying the article writing idea, not sure I will get the hang of writing one article a day let alone more than one.

Oh, and the feedersite is a great idea for us "newbie's who need to take action but not sure where or why. Still working on links, so the point of this blog, is simply to work out bugs.

Well, thanks for reading my first blog, and I will be sure to blog more often.  

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