My Very First Blog Ever

Last Update: June 09, 2010

First of all this blog is for my benefit. It is a way for me to get used to writing which I have never done outside of a letter or an email. It is also a way for me to get my brain, such as it is, to thinking about putting something useful in an article.


I joined WA on June 6, 2010 and there is much to learn and that will be my main focus for a long while but I wanted to start this blog just to help me.

I may not write every day but I do intend to record my thoughts, feelings etc as often as time allows.

The word of the day....Scary!

If anyone reads this please remember this is my first attempt and feel free to critique.(I havent read the rules and regulations of blogging yet)

Today is June 9th, 2010 



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Artesan Premium
Hi, I have no blogging experience at all. I just thought I would have a look at how everyone else does it to get a feel for it.
Seems to me your doing fine!