My First WA Niche Site

Last Update: May 06, 2010

Hi All,

Well I thought I would start my blog, and give you all a peek into what I’m up to, and for anyone here at WA to offer their input, feedback or general comments.

Since joining on the 3rd May 2010 I have been trawling through the fantastic resources within this wonderful community.

As I had done the first bits on my action plan, and I had some free time until my next release on the 7th May, I decided to start developing my first WA Niche site.

Looking through the options available I decided to go for the Online Gaming option, as I had experience of playing both a Virtual Online Game and Online Chess, and could see a wide range of potential opportunities with this Niche.

My first decision had to be to get a good .com domain to host my Niche Web Site on. After a short search I found that wasn’t available, so, after a little thought I searched to see if was, and to my surprise it was J . Well, without hesitation I picked this one up.

I have created a framework and populated the categories with content, and created other blank pages in readiness for developing these.

I won’t be sending it to the search engines until it’s ready, from which my first action will be to get it indexed through Google Webmaster Tools

Please take a look at and feel free to add your thoughts.

Wishing you all the greatest of successes,



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xploringsuccess Premium
good start. the key is to do something--and you are.
Fallulah Premium
I think you're looking great so far Peter. Keep letting us know when you've added stuff. I'd say you're way ahead of me right now - I left software development to move into alternative health back in 2000 so I've a lot of catching up to do! Thing was I hated it back then but now I'm totally hooked. I'd even say I have a ittle tingling of regret I left [lol]. Darn! Keep up the good stuff!
ibelieve1402 Premium
Hi Peter, Nice layout. Just something to think about here. You do not have to wait for your site to be fully complete before sending it to the search engines. I say this because as you know it takes time to get listed and views by visitors and I have a website up at the moment that I sent to the engines immediately after completing my home page then whilst it was gaining momentum I added more and more content. Just a thought :)
ibelieve1402 Premium
Hi Peter, Nice layout. Just something to think about here. You do not have to wait for your site to be fully complete before sending it to the search engines. I say this because as you know it takes time to get listed and views by visitors and I have a website up at the moment that I sent to the engines immediately after completing my home page then whilst it was gaining momentum I added more and more content. Just a thought :)
DkWinter Premium
Looking good so far. :) I'll have to take another look when you've got more content up. Nice job. Great way to take action.