Getting off of your Duff

Last Update: January 05, 2012

Hello and welcome to day #3 of my new regimen for 2012.  So far this idea of creating goals seems to be working for me. I really felt like goofing off today but I realized that this was the exact situation that I am trying to overcome.  My computer repairman is due here tonight to get my desktop working again, hopefully it is nothing too serious.  That will be one excuse out of the way.  I had no idea what this blog would  be about when I sat down here.  I do believe that a few words on perseverance just might be a good choice. For any of you that may be facing the same challenges that I am facing take heart. It does get better every day.

 After writing just a few short sentences it has become easier.  there seems to be a flow of ideas coming to my fingertips. There is a lot of truth in these old adages, such as there is nothing to fear except fear itself. To overcome the fear of an empty page just put a few words down.  Once the empty page is no longer there then the words will follow.  Pure Magic right. 

That is the way that I see it.  Right now anyway, my thoughts may change at a later  date who knows.But it makes sense to me at the moment. That is it for today.  Back at you tomorrow.



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