Too Many Rabbits

Last Update: October 07, 2009

Once upon a time, before I had kids, I was a professional martial arts instructor. I taught one style and, at various times, cross-trained in other styles in order to round out my skill set and my understanding of the different ways one human being can hit another.

Every month or so, I'd get a new student who'd come in with his eyes blazing and his heart full of thunder. Guys like this wanted to learn everything, right away: grappling, wrestling, punching, kicking, blocking, sticks, blades, throwing. They wanted to master everything and they wanted to master it NOW.

I had one, solid piece of advise for young men like that (and it was always young men): "Don't try to chase two rabbits at the same time."

It takes time to develop skill, I explained (over and over again). There's no point in trying to rush it because that path only leads to frustration and quitting.

A few listened and turned their attention to one skill at a time, progressing on to the next lesson only after achieving some degree of proficiency. Those who didn't listen invariably quit after a month or two, disgusted that I could not transform them from the Pillsbury Dough-Boy into G.I. Joe in just a few weeks.

Fast-forward a few years, a few kids, and a few attempts at different money-making schemes and you very nearly would have found me making the exact same mistake. I joined Wealthy Affiliate, eager to mine it for the secrets to easy riches. I'd be rolling in dough, I just knew, within a few weeks.

Wrong! I've spent the last few months trying to establish two webpages at the same time, develop half a dozen Twitter campaigns, a blog, two article-writing campaigns, and a presence on US Free Ads. The result? I've been a member since August 2009 and haven't made a single cent yet. 

I'll admit that I recently began to get disgusted with the whole IM/AM thing but then a friend reminded me of my own advice from so many years ago: "Don't try to chase two rabbits at the same time."

Ah, yes. Even the master needs to be reminded from time to time.

So with that confession, I hereby invite you to follow my progress as I start almost from scratch. One Twitter campaign and one article campaign. I'll keep my progress, triumphs, and frustrations posted here. You feel free to post a comment or a critique to cheer me on.

Thanks for reading! Best of luck to you, too.

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n4b1l Premium
another lesson i get to day.. thanks