Posts by PowersFamilyFarm 64
August 19, 2010
This was posted as an announcement on my AdWords account today and was worth a good giggle: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="ProgId" content="Word.Document" /> <meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 12" /> <meta name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 12" /> <link rel="File-List" href="file:///C:\\Users\\ERIKPO~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\msohtmlclip1\\01\\clip_filelist.xml" /> <link rel="themeData" href="f
August 18, 2010
Yesterday my husband and I were up early before the kids and we were contemplating our financial situation which is pretty bad at the moment.  My husband lost his last full time job at the CDC in March 2008 and we've been getting by on various freelancing projects since then, but not making quite enough and racking up the credit card balances, getting behind on our mortgage, and so forth.  The potential to relieve that is a huge reason why I'm here.  My husband hasn't been able to
August 12, 2010
I Squidoo-ed all day and published two more lenses. and  Both of these are based on my personal life and were fairly easy to write, though still time consuming.  Weird how I start a lense thinking I'm just going to have a few modules and end up with close to 20 every time.  Getting involved on the Squidoo forum as well and will be reading another ebook about how to make solid income within Squidoo.  I think I'll
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August 10, 2010
This is a week of WA little milestones for me.  Receiving my first WA Gold (thanks, everyone!), and watching my member rank drop below 100. I took my children to the lake earlier today and while soaking up the sun and the water and keeping a hawk eye on my children, I contemplated just how much fun it is to make Squidoo lenses.  And I thought of a goal I can set for myself.  Inspired by Maureen's goal of starting 100 miniblogs in one year I'm thinking of setting a similar goal of
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...and I spent way too much time on it, so this is just a very short update.  Hopefully it pays me back soon :-)
August 07, 2010
Looks like the door has opened up for me to receive WA Gold.  I received three more since I posted about getting my first.  Thank you all for your generosity.  Thanks to you, I have 40 cents in my WA affiliate account!  That's my second sale (sort of).  Lots of potential to build on... I haven't seen this hosting service advertised here but I use it for one of my own websites--one I have had since well before I got started with WA.  Just Host is a very straightforw
August 06, 2010
As I was logging in to write this update I noticed I had an extra gold.  Thank you, Omar Lodhi, for being the very first WA member to give me gold :-) Today was another big day promoting Clearwater Lodge.  This time I aimed my browser to Squidoo and went absolutely crazy creating my first two lenses.  You can check them out on my profile.  I will post them before shutting down for the day as I'm very proud of them. This gives me an idea.  Some of you big time affiliates
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August 04, 2010
I'm on the road to becoming a subject matter expert on muskie hunting. Muskies are a rather large and aggressive and hard to catch freshwater fish, which means the chase is iresistable.   I put out a couple ads, then decided to research for article topics.  My first article on this campaign came out of my extreme frustration with not being able to find a glossary of muskie hunting terminology anywhere.  So I decided to write one.  I gleaned definitions from a variety of arti
August 03, 2010
I'm jumping into promoting Clearwater Lodge with both feet.  Today I composed an ad and posted it on to see if I could prime the pump with some direct linking.  Although I understand it is preferable to drive traffic first to your own page, my theory is that while you're getting your page set up, it can't hurt to invite some direct traffic and see what happens, as writing an ad or article with an affiliate link is very easy to do.  The other thing is that because of
August 02, 2010
Not much activity in Internet Marketing for the past week.  There has been one significant development for me, though. Luke posted about an opportunity for affiliate marketers to promote a hunting/fishing lodge owned by some friends up in Canada, and I responded.  I became one of six Internet Marketers working on this venture. The niche was similar to niches I'm interested in, not an exact match, but close enough.  The real selling point for me, though, was the promise of one on o