Posts by PowersFamilyFarm 64
I just wrote a novel for today's progress report and something went haywire and it all got lost.  Yes, I've had an interesting day of more training, building websites, taking down websites and trying again, browsing DMOZ for niche research, registering on endless sites that will support my Internet marketing efforts, coming across a really thorough blog post about how to make money with blogs, and deciding to for now myself go the route of a blog to use for my marketing. Unfortunately I do
Today I completed Lesson Two in the Getting Started Guide, and then had to wait a day or so for Lesson Three to become available.  Not wanting to wait that long, I read "Who Loves Money" from cover to cover as well as an ebook on article writing.  I then followed some tutorials by Kyle and Carson on article writing and developing landing pages.  I'm still not sure why the testimonial landing pages are so incredibly long, but I do understand that the testimonial page is o
July 14, 2010
I'm learning that WA has a pretty efficient way for members to find each other, as without doing anything other than create my WA Space I have received two PMs and a bunch of messages on Buddy Talk just to welcome me to WA.  I haven't even introduced myself on the forum yet.  It is on my to do list and will probably happen later today.  So, I was able to check the assignment to add five buddies without any effort, and the people who reached out to me have some pretty awesome crede
July 13, 2010
"I wonder if the third time's going to be a charm," I said to my husband.   He was gearing up for a fifty hour week working on a client's very large project.  Twice the client had asked him to put less time in, once on account of budgeting constraints and the second time because another contractor on the project essentially threw a fit. Well, it wasn't a charm and the invoice he submitted at the end of the week was met with another request to slow down.  We need som