Posts by Propertyman 9
November 16, 2010
Hi All, As the months have passed whilst trying to crack the old IM game i have kept a diary of sorts just to see whats going on and where. Anyway i'm starting to see a definate pattern form interms of traffic and especially clicks on ad's, links Etc Mon- wed evenings are good however things slow down on thursday leading into the weekend and a sunday can be a hit or miss. This is basic info and have slightly more detail , i was wondering if anyone else has experienced this kind of pattern ? I
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November 11, 2010
Well i went for synnd so we will see how it goes at face value it looks good but like anything its all in the results. certainly have a lot of good networks on-board which cant be bad. The next few weeks will be interesting.
November 03, 2010
Well with all the hype about the various social media avenues avaliable to promote content causing it to go viral if done right. I have looked at many methods to try and stream line the process. I have decided to try it gets great reviews but its a little expensive at $97 per month. But i feel if the results are as good as suggested then it should be worth it.
October 26, 2010
Well things finally moving in the right direction as i have said my main revenue methods at the moment are Adsense and i'm due another payment , the target is to keep trying to beat the previous months earning .......but more to the point always try to make the payment threshold so i at least see something for the effort LOL...............
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October 18, 2010
 Hi All, Just a quick note on a tool i'm using that's giving good results its basically a linking software , the features are to good for me to try and explain but worth a look, I have seen great results with it and they appear to be long term not like some of the systems out on the market at the moment..............
October 10, 2010
Been working hard at Adsense recently and the results are encouraging , starting to generate daily income in the region of £5 over 3 sites...Guess got to keep going rinse and repeat. I'm finding it a good method to follow as you can be in any niche and your not competing for sales Etc Steve
September 30, 2010
Ok so as far as today goes i have had a very constructive day i think...... I have a site on pet care, allergies to be specific and the competition is fairly stiff anyway I made it finally to page 1 although I'm bouncing around the bottom half at least I'm on it. Anyway as work goes today we have 400 word article to ezine articles, then wrote another and using the best spinner worked the magic to 80% unique and created 5 more. Then built a new hub page ,squidoo lens,left a copy in the best spinn
September 26, 2010
Spent a most of my time article marketing and i'm seeing ranking benifits, but the buzz certainly seems to be about twitter and facebook,. I built a fairly good following on twitter (niche specific) but the traffic is very short lived. Next step is to try facebook.......
September 21, 2010
As the title says been away for a while , distracted with life off-line.... Time to knuckle down and make this work....