Posts by ProSparky 5
November 04, 2010
Bummed that I missed Jay's WAbinar!!! Could not get the webinar to download! Even did the manual download and the system just sat there..."waiting on host" or something like that. After a half hour of trying I gave up. Just kinda fits...the 12th will be my last day here at WA for awhile. I'm trying to soak up as much info as I can before then, only to help my current efforts. Once I start generating some cash flow I WILL return. I currently have five articles on Ezine, 4 are
October 25, 2010
Well...It's monday morning, I went to ezine to see how my article has done and I have two more articles approved! Waiting on two more to be approved. I am getting traffic but not a whole lot of click throughs, no sales either. At least I have published articles, now I just need to perfect what I am doing. I do have more ideas to get started on but I have chosen for now to perfect my article writing first. My plan is to get platinum at ezine then I can spend a little more time working on other id
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Okay, I have no idea what to think other then WOOHOO!! Well, my last blog I told you I had two articles submitted to Ezine, I kept on writing and now have five awaiting approval. I am getting faster at writing articles, some times I feel as though I ramble and have to go back over it to make sure I am staying focused. But I'm writing and submitting so this is a good thing. I received an email from ezine this morning letting me know my first article has been accepted and published! The crazy
October 15, 2010
Okay, I submitted 2 articles into Ezine hopefully all goes well and they are approved soon. My first article took me 8 hours from start to submission. Didn't take me that long to write it was the getting it submitted part that took so long. So, what I did was typed the article in MS Word, from there I copied and pasted into Rapid Writer. There I checked my key word fill, it was at 2.8% for a 416 word article. I went with it, did the same copy and paste into Ezine and they rej
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October 13, 2010
Wow, I want to send a BIG shout out to PotPieGirl, She has cleared up quite a few things for me as far as article marketing goes. I was feeling lost and confused by the course here at WA. At first I would visit the forum and read the posts that were out there which would answer my questions. Then somewhere along the line I became lost and felt as though I was reading another language and I could not find the answers to my questions. Then I started to see how lost many members are