Posts by Rachel10 3
I am so excited:)  Today I have learned how to upload a file to my server (hostgator) to verify myself with Google Webmaster.  This may not seem like a big deal, but it was confusing the heck out of me!  I figured it out and was able to do it with 2 of my websites.  Then for 1 of my sites I couldn't find the file in Hostgator.  Very weird......  But I was able to figure out how to put the meta tags in the header page of WordPress.  YEAHHHH!! Everyday that I am
So I am not a very Political person.  I don't watch the news, and barely know who our president is (JK, Obama).  Being on WA today I see the blog about SOPA & PIPA.  I had NO IDEA about all of this.  I have since gone to many different websites and Facebooked all I can.  SOPA & PIPA are almost identical bills going to congress and the senate about "censoring the web".   Just go to Google today.  Its blacked out as protest.  Click the link
January 03, 2012
 I originally joined WA in Oct 2009.  I researched and learned A LOT, but never put anything into action.  That is where I fail everytime no matter what it is that I am working on.  I fail to ACT!!!!! I am very glad I have rejoined WA.  I love the 30 day success club.  It is nice to have an action plan.  So far, so good with the action there:)  I will keep this up and 2012 will be my best year yet!  The first of many.....