About Raeby
Joined January 2010
Hi guys,

I'm super new at internet marketing! I stumbled upon it while checking out an e-book for a friend of mine. While trying to find out information as to whether or not it was legit, I came across PotPieGirls "One Week Marketing" e-book! Once I saw that, I had to get it. The rest is history and here I am! I also shared this information with my friend, but I don't think she's bought into it yet. She will when she starts to see me making money!

I want to be able to stay home like the rest of you and make money online. I've been in the printing field for quite sometime and I'm ready for a change. I knew that I wanted to work from home, but just didn't know how to do it. That is, until now.

I know there's a learning curve to all this and that it will probably take a while, but I also know it will be worth it!

I will keep you posted as to how I do! Wish me luck!
Raeby's Accomplishments

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Ezinewriter Premium
Hello there, I'm glad you've discovered this great thing which is internet marketing. Welcome to WA!
raeby Premium
Hi Ezinewriter! Thank you!! It's nice to meet you! I'm very excited about learning this. I just read a post where the person who wrote it said to really concentrate on the basics, like writing articles, and lots of them! That makes sense to me! There is so much to learn!
Roy Penrod Premium
Hey, Raeby ... thanks for adding me to your Buddy list!

I couldn't help but notice your conversation right below this one. PPG stands for Pot Pie Girl around WA.

I was like "what the hell is that?" the first time I saw it, thinking it was some new version of advertising.

I thought "Is that some new way for marketing a band? Pay Per Gig?". Nope, it's Pot Pie Girl. lol

Anyway ... look me up if you ever want to chat.

Take care!
Roy Penrod Premium
Slow and steady wins the race, Raeby. Just ask Mr. Turtle. :-)
Roy Penrod Premium
Awww, thanks Raeby. You're pretty speshul too. hehe
Roy Penrod Premium
There are two ways to find the message, Raeby.

(1) When you're on the main WA site, you can click on "home" which is right under the green "Forum" link at the top left of the page.

On your home page, you should see a section called "Your WA Space Activity". You can see if you have new private messages there. It'll say something like "1 New Forum Private Messages". Just click on the underlined part (it's a link) and it will take you to your forum inbox.

(2) When you're on the forums, you'll see two bars under the WA logo at the top of the page.

The second bar says something like this:
"User Control Panel (2 new messages) * View your posts"

Just click the "new messages" part and it will also take you to your forum inbox.

You can keep your private messages in your forum inbox as long as you like ... well, at least until you run out of room. hehe

And don't worry, I'll definitely ask for help when I need it. I'm not shy. lol
Roy Penrod Premium
You're welcome, Raeby. Glad I could help. Just let me know if there's anything else I can help with.
raeby Premium
Thank you Roy! I'm getting it, slowly but surely! When I think about how much I don't know yet, but how much I've learned in the short time that I've discovered this, I know it won't take long to get the hang of things!
raeby Premium
raeby Premium
Hey Roy!
I'm still having problems learning to navigate WA. I'm trying to find the private message you sent me (the long one) so I can go back and re-read it and answer you. What you wrote is super good! Lots of great advice! I appreciate you taking the time to write that to me! Please let me know if I can help you out as well, okay?
raeby Premium
Thank you Roy! That information really does help! I'll click here and there to try to get to my messages with no avail. Now I know, thanks to you! God bless you!!
~ raeby
klrrider Premium
Welcome to WA and thanks for the buddy invite. Getting connected with PPG and WA right of the bat is like hitting a grand slam! Wish you the best!
klrrider Premium
Pot Pie Girl

OWM = One Week Marketing
raeby Premium
Oh my goodness! I'm so new I don't know what PPG is! What is that? I've seen so many different sites for Internet Marketing. It gets so confusing!
raeby Premium
Thank you! I see now! LOL!
PedroSousa Premium
Hello raeby!! Welcome and whenever you need some help, just ask! ;) btw, where you from? :)
PedroSousa Premium
oh thank you, I try to be sweet whenever I can... :D Im im the north of Portugal in Trofa, Porto, but i went last year to Fatima ;) have you ever been there? kiss*
PedroSousa Premium
eheh hope someday you will... :D
raeby Premium
Thank you Pedro! You are so sweet! I'm from Buford, Georgia - USA. I see you are from Portugal! That is so cool! Are you anywhere near Fatima?
raeby Premium
No Pedro, I've never been to Fatima, but I've wanted to go. Maybe someday I'll get there. I'll have to do really well at Internet Marketing to be able to do that! :)
raeby Premium
Thank you Pedro :)