The spiral effect: What I learnt and you should too!

Last Update: July 20, 2012
The hardest part for me has always been keeping the cash flow positive. Almost a couple of years back, whatever little I had earned... I just reinvested it. I believed that the only problem was- I didnt have anything to show for back at home or to the people who were insanely concerned about me!

I was mistaken and now I have realised this (phew finally!). There was something else that had been going wrong too:
I wasn't putting the money I earned in the right places: I was using it to get more shiny objects- which meant I was spending more time reading or making notes. This resulted in even lesser money and then even lesser time. And I was off on a downward spiral, without even knowing it. Until, I realised that I needed a break- to think things through!
Which I did!

So, what is the plan now?

I hardly have any income coming in. So, my first job is to get some money coming in. Fortunately, I can write. Actually, I love writing. So, the first idea is:
do some freelancing
get some money ($100-200)
invest into building niche sites
build some passive income (S1000/month)
put it into building products or even more niche sites

This would be an upward spiral! This was the easy part. The hard part?

The need to build a portfolio! So, fellow WAers. I am offering you a couple of free articles for your blogs/niches in return for a testimonial.

Normally, "Free" is associated with "not worth it". Please don't make the same mistake! I can assure you of the quality and the research that I would be putting in.

So, any takers..?
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Sherion Premium
What kind of testimonial do you mean?
Hey.. just a normal "honest" comment on the article that I could use on freelancing sites (I wouldnt reveal the article/niche or anything like that!)