About RainBowz
Joined April 2009
My Name is Dorraine... or Rainey to my friends and family. I'm partnering in this endeavor with my daughter, Danielle.

I'm a 44 year old woman from Ohio. I have a wonderful husband and three grown children.

I've worked for Wal-Mart for 6 years and have found it very difficult to advance despite promises to the contrary. I've started seeking online opportunities to supplement or replace my regular income.
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eaptcb3577 Premium
Welcome to WA RainBowz! I know exactly how you feel, I have been trying to chip away at my management for an advanced position for 12 years now. That's why I am here and I am not stopping until I build my wealth and fire my boss. You wanna get started on your 8 week action plan ASAP for it details your future success. Keep grinding away and you will prevail. Good luck and god bless!
KittKat Premium
Dorraine ~ Welcome to the Wealthy Affiliate University! Great to have you with us!
RainBowz Premium
It's my first day on the WA site and it looks inspiring.
GeoJ Premium
Hi Rainey, I'm impressed that you lasted in wally's world for 6 yrs. I was in retail for 25 yrs, never experienced Wal-Mart but I wish you all the luck. I totally understand how hard It can be to make a difference in the big box world. I am also new to WA - recently fired from my last retail hell (best thing that ever happened). Good luck to your success, hope to share down the road, the WA community is awesome. I will share a quote I like to follow that helps to keep me motivated.."Don't waste your time living someone else's life...Follow your heart, your dreams, and above all, believe in yourself". There is a lot to learn, have patience.
bizgirl Premium
Hi Dorriane,
I'm new to WA and I see that you've been here since April of 2009. I wanted to know how you're doing with your online business? I like how you developed your sites. That's cool that you were able to change that MySpace site to a different url....how did you do that? There is so much info on the this site....where to start? lol :) Thanks for any tips you can provide! :)
-Liz :)