About Randall M
Joined October 2008
I enjoy music, (mostly classic rock), sports, (football; auto racing; golf) and cooking. This will be my first attempt at internet marketing and I am very much looking forward to the challenge.
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Randall M Premium
Hi Dan,
I don't know if I'm qualified to say. Some find success right away but I am still working at it. I have been putting everything into PPC at this time as I don't feel I am that good at writing articles as many do. If you go through the 8 week training I think you will find what you are good at. I feel that understanding how to pick keywords is a must in being succesful at IM.
Good luck and let me know if I can help you in any way,
rellis Premium
Wow you are really getting after it at a young age. Are you sure you are old enough to consume those "adult beverages" HAHA welcome to WA and have a prosperous day!
Randall M Premium
Hi Ryan, I've been told I don't look my age but that pic is a little old. See ya around!