Ray's Free Stuff

Last Update: October 17, 2009

I have changed my way of thinking after spending way to much money trying to get started.  I follow Pot Pie Girl now and anybody promoting free advertising as I have beem burned by Google.

You will notice the title of this blog is Ray's Free Stuff.  I have found that anybody can get started with online marketing without having to spend a lot of money.  As a matter of fact it can be done for less than $20 which is just amazing to me after I have spent so much on scams and ebooks that were not necessary.

The first free gift starts off with a video on how to build a web site from scratch and also includes how to get templates.

The second free gift is a video on how to get your business started and is a great place for a newbie to start.

The third free gift is a free subscription to a newsletter that is very informative and continues for at least 58 week.

Not bad for free stuff.  All this is available by clicking m,y Free Stuff link on my WA Space page

Ray M Feeney

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