Okay.... I'm starting to get a little pissed!

Last Update: July 27, 2010

So, I just started a new campaign promoting Travis's Magic of Making Up and I created a couple of Squidoo lenses for this campaign.

Now, every time I go in and try to tweak the damn lens, I get hit with the spam filter message!!

 I don't understand what the problem could be since many other people are using the lenses to promote the same thing. 

 There are several live lenses being used to promote the same thing I am promoting.


What gives?  


Any suggestions guys?

Thanks for your replies.


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ready4success Premium
Okay, thanks for that info. My lens does not have those words in the text. I think it was the number of hyperlinks pointed to one place. It is up and running now.
I don't know what your campaign is about but if it is about WA, I know from expereince that "wealthy" and "affiliate" are two of Squidoo's naughty words and will throw you into the "squidont" bin. I could not in any way promote WA on there in any fashion shape or form. Wealthy Affiliate will get your lenses locked if you persist. It's getting awful strict.
ready4success Premium
I think I may know what the problem is. I have too many hyperlinks going to the same destination. I will fix this.
ready4success Premium
So, you don't use these?
BradB Premium
Any Suggestions guys?
You mean besides don/t use Squidoo?????
Hubpages, Weebly, Blogger, Wp.com...............