Got My First Article Published

Last Update: August 19, 2011

I managed to get my first article published on StreetArticles. I had not clicked the ping feature however, so I do not think it actually was sent anywhere. I will discover that on my next article tomorrow though, as I checked them all this time.

I am a bit behind, but not too bad now. I had some major problems with my Theme I had chosen, so I switched it and the new one is a piece of cake to use compared to the first one.

I also had no connection for a couple of days as we had horrible thunder storms and every time I would start to make progress, I lost what I was doing lol. I'm not crying over spilled milk though, as I managed to get fairly caught up, and am about to start linking all of the pieces together for the initial phase. Not bad in one weeks time, having missed a few days.

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Way to go!! I remember when my son got his first article published! My wife & I had it framed. He was on a summer "apprenticeship" of sorts at a local newspaper. Gives him a welcome sense of nostalgia whenever he looks at the article now
RealityCheck Premium
Thank you, there is a first at every step of the process. So long as you can do anything once, you know it can be done over and over.
Redeemed Premium
Congratulations. Sounds like you are on your way. Best wishes to you.