Posts by Reg55 2
August 20, 2010
Has I been away from WA, not that I'm not pleased with the system. But I need to work on a project that I started back in January. See am trying to build a business of selling used books online. I started doing that by selling on . Which was OK but only like 2 or 4 orders a month. Then I got smart and 2 weeks ago I started selling on Amazon... Its been so incredible like this week I have sold over 20 books my best yet. But I do owe it to a tool that I invested in that scans books and te
1 comment
June 11, 2010
TO BE OR NOT TO BE? As I begin my journey in learning more about the in & outs of Internet Marketing...                    Yes am brand new here and only completed 2 lessons in the training program...                                  But my mind