New Hobby!

Last Update: February 18, 2011


Last night  I attended an anniversary party, and the music was horrible-to say the least.  I mean....the DJ just kept on playing the same old songs, over and over again.  I'm thinking in my head:  "I can do better than that."

The DJ I am referring to is a teammate of mine.  ("We play on the same softball team.")

So me, having the "I can do better than that attitude."  Strolled over the the area where he was playing music, and took a seat.

I asked simply, "How do you DJ?"  And he proceeded to show me.  All of those knobs that use to seem so complicated to me began to make sense.

So after he broke out to use the restroom, I politely grabbed his seat and began to fiddle around with what he had showed me.

Being a music lover, I just knew the crowd would love my selection.  People were coming up to me while I was playing, saying, "You're actually good!"

The atmosphere really felt like an out-of-body-experience.  I can simply say, I fell in love with DJing last night.

I'll consider it my second love to none other than IM! 

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Jamie Smith Premium
Very cool indeed, continue on your journey with music and marketing, we are on the same page.