Day 5

Last Update: March 12, 2011

Hi to all of you out there in WA-world!

I am very excited about joining WA. I've been hearing about it for a long time via I've Tried That and finally took the plunge.

And it's already Day 5! Goodness!

Other than my neck killing me from the position I've been sitting in while working on this for the past 4+ days, I'm feeling pretty good about all this. The amount of information is a tad overwhelming (and I'm the type to want to do it all NOW) but I've been there before with other programs. This seems different because I have had several questions answered already by visiting the forum and, although there seems to be more than one step-by-step guide, fortunately I have time on my hands. I have no money, though, so I'm VERY serious about becoming a success story.

I have a lot to learn but do have a little previous experience so my learning curve does not seem impossible. And maybe, despite the fact that other training programs have let me down, I learned enough over the past two years for this to all start falling into place for me. I seem to be in the never-give-up mode now and just know WA was the answer all along. I hesitated to take the plunge from having been burnt before but the recommendation was so great and from such a trusted source that I just had to do it.

More pictures are coming as soon as I get them onto my laptop.

Health, Happiness, and Prosperity to us all!






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April2012 Premium
Wow I can't believe how much your post sounds like my situation as well -- including the 2 years and hearing about WA, but not being ready to join until recently. I hope things do start falling in place for you soon. Good luck on Day 5 (and beyond!)
Sherion Premium
Best Wishes to You. I am also in the 30 day club. Let me know if I can be of any help and I will sure try.
Jamie Smith Premium
Yep, you won't find any of that "get rich overnight" nonsense here. Great to have you in the WA family!