Something's Bugging Me

Last Update: July 23, 2012
Firebug Addon from Firefox

I have a pesky bug problem. Actually, I don’t know if this type of bug is a good thing or a bad thing. And because it may take some explanation, I’m blogging about it instead of chatting.

Last week Firefox asked me if I wanted to have an add-on from them called Firebug. I have no idea what I was doing at the time to prompt this message from Firefox but I’m sure I hit on something I didn’t mean to or was curious about. Now, every time I go somewhere like Chat, Forum, Google Hangouts, other links (anywhere that pops up in a separate window) a little grey box appears in the middle of my screen that looks like this... I recreated this graphic since taking screenshots is still on my list of things to learn to do.... :)

Anyway...I can’t stop this window from popping up every time I go anywhere. It happens in the WA Keyword Tool when I click on ‘View Result” in the Competition column which is really annoying as it just adds another step to seeing competition results and we all know it’s enough to have to click out once to get them.

Fine! I simply click OK or the x in the box (above) every time to make it go away.

In researching this app further, I am seeing that it could very well be a good thing. However, most of what it says is beyond me and I’m hesitant to go for it for that reason. But it seems like the only way to make this box go away is to download the app.

Here’s the short version of what it says it does for you...

The most popular and powerful web development tool

  • Inspect HTML and modify style and layout in real-time
  • Use the most advanced JavaScript debugger available for any browser
  • Accurately analyze network usage and performance
  • Extend Firebug and add features to make Firebug even more powerful
  • Get the information you need to get it done with Firebug.

I found the info about this add-on on the site in the grey box above...

Does anyone know what this is? Should I just go with it? If not, how do I stop the window from popping up each time I link to another window when playing around on the net? Please don’t tell me I have to do a System Restore...I have done this but in all honesty I am scared to perform them.

What’s bugging you?

Thanks in advance for any help with this.
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Fire bug is a website debugging tool. If you ever want to change your website because something on it just isn't right, it can be a real pill to find out just where those commands are coming from.

Fire bug makes this easy since it allows you to examine your actual webpage in real time and change things on the fly. (These changes will not be permanent, but it lets you know just where and how the change needs to be made.

If you like your Wordpress or website as it is out of the box, then fire bug is not really of any use to you.
Renni Premium
Thanks Christian! I thought I may be able to use it in the future once I learn more about manipulating pages. At this point I only know a smattering of html and mostly concentrate on content and SEO for my sites. But I'm putting this in my arsenal for the future for sure when I learn more about the techy side of things.
Apina Premium
Oh and for printing a screen, hit the PrintScr (or PrtScr) button and then you should just be able to paste it into Paint or another art program. Or get Droplr
Renni Premium
Got it! Thanks again.
Apina Premium
Im not sure you need FireBug its for coding. Anyway. Go to your Tools Addons in Firefox and remove/disable Page Speed. I believe thats causing your issue
Renni Premium
Is that chuckling I here? lol....I am sooo tech challenged I wouldn't blame you if I did! But, hey...this is how we learn the least little things and the more challenging ones. We ask...someone answers....we learn. Can't tell you how important it is to me and so many others that you are there to help. You're the Best!