One thing leads to another...

Last Update: April 09, 2011

Hi All,

Okay, so for the past coupla days I've been learning about HTML - at least the basics and I get it. This morning I was trying to get my blog page to show posts where they should appear because all that shows on the page is the blog graphics, two big gray boxes which don't contain text. When I started trying different things to get the post to show instead of the boxes, in my ineptitude I think I just made matters worse.

Then I succeeded in finding lots of WP training that I wasn't aware of beyond what's on the page where you gain access to WP. I thought GREAT! Well, l learned I need to use template tags (at least I think I do) and started reading up on them in the WP tutorials. Well, every link (at least a couple per page in the content and a whole group of them at the bottom and left side) leads to what looks like days and days if not weeks of training and I just about started to cry. Then I got a piece of snail mail that was depressing, and went to do my errands and my car was dead. Then I did cry.

What I don't understand is how newbies deal with php, template tags, html, codex, and all that without a clue! And I tried using the permalinks as links to my other pages on the same site and keep getting the Error 404. I am dumbfounded, confused, and frustrated.

I did NOT say I'm giving up, just saying that I feel like I hit a wall and don't know how to get thru, around, or over it. I don't want this process to take months and feel like these things simply hold me up.

Of course I still do research and trainings for other things and take what actions I can but these aren't going to get me too far without knowing all this techy stuff until I learn it.

Just needed to vent and have no one offline that understands.

Thanks for listening.




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jatdebeaune Premium
It's very frustrating when you're not a tech. You'll learn what you need in order to put up a good site. If you get stumped, ask some one here who is technically oriented. Check out the forum. It does take some time to get through the software tutorials. Just read through it, get familiar with terms and review when you need to. Or, you can get someone to put the site up for you. But you still have to navigate it. Once you do it, it gets easy. Easier.
Sherion Premium
I did not start out in the 30 day success club. I have been here almost a year. I virtually knew nothing. I started out in the training. Not in a club. I was a real newbie. If someone knows nothing I personally think starting out in the 30 day success club is over their head. But, that is only my opinion. Are you getting information overload? Don't forget to take a day off and relax and enjoy your life. Try not to get too stressed out. This is not a get rich quick scheme. It is going to take time to do it right. Best Wishes to You.