About Rockymtnhigh
Joined February 2011
I am a native of Colorado Springs sitting at the foot of Pikes Peak. I share my home with my little friend, a Toy Poodle named Milo. Over the past several years I lost 2 separate management positions due to buy outs and downsizing. In 2003 I purchased a child's specialty shoe store that had been in business for over 45 years. Things were looking good and I was going to have loans paid off in short order. Well!..... Now, 8 years into the business, the economy is causing havoc in the store and my finances. I have been looking for something on-line that will offer a secure future that is recession proof. I had enrolled in another program and was excited until I was personally contacted by phone and told the "business opportunity" would cost me many thousands and they wanted to make sure I had funds available. Needless to say, I quit. I am excited about WA and very pleased with the buddy contact that I had not expected. I have done just a little on-line at other sites including Etsy.com.
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smokeywins Premium
Welcome to WA!
webkab Premium
Hello and welcome to WA. There's tons of information here at WA so don't let it overwhelm you. Stay focused, take the training and especially look for the special training they have here. You can also go to potpiegirls blog and magistudios blog. There you will find additional training in the way of videos that I found exceptionally good and helped me move on. Best wishes and MUCH SUCCESS
babyboomer20 Premium
Hi, I'm just stopping by to welcome you aboard!! Wishing you all the Success in your LEARNING to EARN!! Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? I'd like to be your friend... Please feel free to add me. Marty : )
babyboomer20 Premium
Many thanks, Have an awesome day of Learning!!
rockymtnhigh Premium
Thank you for your welcome! I am more than a little overwhelmed right now but so pleasantly surprised at the contact with others in WA. Please add me to your buddy list. I hopefully will have some background on myself in a few days. Thank you again :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA