About RolandoOrtiz
Joined August 2011
Hey there, everyone. My names Rolando Ortiz.

I'm currently attending college for my BA and hope to be done with that in less than a year (fingers crossed). This is my first foray into anything business-related online, and I'm ready to learn!

WA, I'm ready for the vast amount of internet knowledge you possess to swell up my noggin'.
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Rafael68 Premium
Welcome Rolando. I am also a new guy here, so i feel i understand your feelings. I wish you all the success in the world/ Rafael
paulkor Premium
Welcome, Rolando! Good luck from a fellow new guy!
JoJo Premium
Welcome Rolando - wishing you every success in your new venture!
Nirnaeth Premium
Welcome to WA :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
RolandoOrtiz Premium
Thanks for the warm welcome! Glad to be part of the family.