If we could just do things a bit differently

Last Update: November 06, 2010

Wealthy Affiliates has a global membership. And is peopled by members of all various backgrounds too. Especially as it concerns environmental......But who really wants to know!?!

Would it not be nice to hear a testimonial from Africa, from a member who is making at least $3000 monthly using skills acquired from WA. Were that to happen, WA would have set in motion something that will eventually liberate all the struggling people on the continent. If an African makes that kind of money, you'd be enabling him/her to take care of up to 20 other lives, homes that will be revived, kids that will be helped to continue in school, lives saved from curable sicknesses which otherwise would have been fatal for lack of immediate funds.

With this little glimpse at the possibilities of such a success it would mean a lot to the humanitarian posture of WA to find ways of making sure that, especially members from Africa where IT development  for IM is not as widespread as  US, Canada and Europe.

We should not be seen as asking you to do the job for us, but you can devise a more practical and down-to-earth method of training which will make certain that the participant  is not lost and left to himself. One can very well keep mute, read up all the tutorials and try to implement what there is obviously no one around here to confer with over. At the end of the day, what would have opened up a way to level out the the earning capacities of a people battling so many challenges (governance,system,location, economics etc) would have been made of no effect.

If we ensured that every member who subscribes to WA goes away with a practical model which is proven by the participant himself/herself to earn money, as Travis puts it, ' it will stay with him all his life'.

Imagine that.

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