Slow & Steady

Last Update: November 24, 2010

With 3 days of -26C weather the lake is now frozen and the Swans are gone.  Soon the snowmobiles, and ice skaters will be enjoying the extra space!

 My website is coming along nicely. I'm looking forward to the WAbinar this afternoon to help me get it setup right. Then I can move on to getting some traffic!

Sure, I'm a little slow in my progress but if you want a solid foundation you need to take your time and do it right!

Some people follow the high road, others follow the low road. I  prefer to follow my instincts and make my own road through the bush!  It's slower but I see more, learn more, and find things others may miss!

Thanks to all who have helped me... so much help, so little gold!

Heidi, ROWP

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Sherion Premium
I am taking this all really really slow. I think I will change my profile pic to a turtle! But, my time is limited and I just can't hardly go onto anything further until I understand the lesson that I am on. So, I my progress is very slow. And that to me is okay! Best wishes to you!