A little bit about me (to start my blog)

Last Update: August 09, 2010

**My Story (in short)**

As I'm writing this, I've been in the Internet Marketing game for nearly two years. I started during my first semester at community college when I took the big leap and joined Wealthy Affiliate University, which has been one of my greatest decisions. 

Growing up in the world of the Internet, I knew my way around the Internet. I could research any topic for school, I had a Facebook as soon as they allowed non-college emails to sign up, the list goes on. 

It wasn't until I decided to look for alternative ways to make some money, instead of waiting tables at a Chinese restaurant that I had been working at since I was 14. 

When I first joined Wealthy Affiliate, I read a few forum posts and started the then "8-Week Action Plan". Of course, school must come first, so taking the right action seemed impossible. 

After spending nearly 6 months here, I still hadn't made my first dollar online. But let's get real, I didn't spend 6 months here, I was just a member for 6 months.

I hadn't done anything! Sure, I made a "website" with SiteRubix, threw some affiliate links on there, but I didn't know anything about traffic. I even thought purchasing those "hits" was a great idea. Not. I simply stuck to answer others questions on yahoo answers to get traffic.

In Spring 2009, the restaurant that I had worked at for nearly 5 years was sold and since I was close with the family who owned it, I too choose to depart. Which is when everything started to change.

Since I didn't have a consistent income anymore, I knew I had to get to work and make this Internet Marketing work. So I purchased PotPieGirl's One Week Marketing and took it very seriously. I copied exactly what they did and within a few days, I had made my first sale!

Bringing us to present day, I still continue with Internet Marketing along with having other jobs, including working at a department store.

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phbreez Premium
good for you....keep at it....use newbies try and try and just when it seems to be over...something good happens...i made a few bucks far but not happy yet.....try to check out the bbk post on the home page here at WA yesterday...pretty good and simple to do...just what I have learned to do also. hope this helps....here's some gold to cheer you up some. I added you to my Buddy list too.....good luck to you for sure. Phil phbreez
Accurate Domain + Same Title = Top 5 Google Ranking
RRH90 Premium
Thanks for all the wonderful comments! :)
Penelope Premium
Good post, sounds like you have your priorities in order.
Good luck in all your endeavors. Nice smile.
Carrie Premium
Good to meet you, RRH90. It's such a difficult job market out there for young folks these days. Kudos for sticking with the IM, too!
jatdebeaune Premium
Good story. Happy to get to know you better. All the best for your evolution in IM.