About Ryco
Joined September 2007
Hi, my Name is Raimi Alwi, and you can Call me Raimi. My Nickname on the internet is Ryco.

I joined Wealthy Affiliate (WA) on 11 September 2007 (easy to remember this date). I graduated on August 2007 and I am currently working my day job as an Executive in an Oil and Gas company in my country.

From Wealthy Affiliate, I've promoted Clickbank Product and successfully got my first check! and with the money from my effort, I am now married to my beloved wife :)

I am also used to be a graphic designer and have been doing a few freelance work for the past two years. one of my website is www.makeoverdesign.com (not operating as I am focusing on Affiliate Marketing)

I love graphic design, video editing and also surfing the internet looking for stuff that I like.

What really drives me into Affiliate Marketing or WA is that I want to improve my life.

I guess thats all about me, and I think I will update this page from time to time..
Ryco's Accomplishments

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python Premium
Hi there Ryco,

You have an encouraging story, just want to let you know I'll be visiting your page often, I need to hear success stories like yours to keep me up an running.
I'll keep in touch too...

Dennis (python)
lubokduit Premium
salam perkenalan ...aku nie baru dalam dunia marketing....harap dapat tunjuk ajar...aku dah add buddy
Ryco Premium

Nice to see U in WA!
aimie_azwar Premium
salam.. wah.. budak utp la.. bestnyer.. bro, harap beri tunjuk ajar dlm wa ni ye... baru lagi kat sini..
Ryco Premium

nak panggil apa ni? Aimie atau Azwar? Aku baru join balik WA ni as I was having problems with my Credit Card... but now I am up and running! hehe... Keep in touch ok.. ni tgh exam week kan? Good Luck!
busycat Premium
Hi Raimi,apa khabar? I joined WA for just a few days. I dari M'sia juga. I memang computer idiot tau sebab I dah kerja kat hospitality 17 tahun. I am currently at NZ. My last job at M'sia was at bukit bintang Finnigan's pub. I m sure u know where it is. I punya gambar ada kat sana lagi! Hope u get comfortable if I used malay language. I am chinese tapi I punya suami malayu juga! In touch!
Affventure Premium
Selamat Hari Raya maaf zahir & batin to you, Raimi!
Affventure Premium
HI Raimi... well, not a big plan really... just a stable one :D

For 2008 I plan to concentrate more on the slow roller technique... it is a tedious process but your CTR will go up and you pay lesser adspend as your Quality Score goes up...

What about yourself?
Affventure Premium
Building a list with autoresponder attached to your ppc campaign should do reasonably well :)

You'll be able to capture the quick traffic and market to them again and again.

Try creating an ENTICING HEADLINES for about 7 articles and use it to hook people to sign up to your newletter... people with interest in the subject you are marketing would easily sign up to your newsletter/autoresponder just base on a good headlines of the articles that they will be getting.

Market research, you should just give yourself a specific time to do it... maybe 1 full day.... then, whether you are done or not, you just gotta get your feet wet, choose a market and start DOING the marketing part.

From there it is just about testing, testing, testing ;)

Hope the above is useful to you, Raimi!
Ryco Premium
Hows it going Aff? Any big plans for 2008?
Ryco Premium
I want to build my list. However I'm stuck and still deciding on what method can I use. I'm also slow in market research.. if you could show me some light, I really appreciate it :D