About SamanthaE
Joined July 2010
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mr.billee Premium
welcome to the family sam you will meet supportive people here no ques. too great or small,be patient and one day at a time you will reach your goal-success.billee.
SamanthaE Premium
Thank you, I need that "be patient" and "one day at a time" reminder. I tend to dive in head first and get distracted by pretty shiny things easily
CGollihue Premium
Welcome to WA! Wishing you all the best!!
SamanthaE Premium
Thank you, there is lots of motivation on this site.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
SamanthaE Premium
Thank you.
moonvine Premium
yeah! Found you! Welcome to WA!
SamanthaE Premium
Hi there, it's always nice to see a familiar face. I'll be looking for more. Have a fun weekend.
businessadvisor Premium
Hi SamanthaE,
Wayne here.

Welcome to WA. Feel free to add me
to your Buddy List. I've been an
e-Marketer for over 10 years and make
consistent income online, so if you
have questions about Internet Marketing,
or just want to brainstorm and chat,
I'll do my best to lend a helping hand.

In the meantime, I invite you to check
out my blog, and I look forward to getting
to know you and exchanging ideas and strategies
for making money online.
businessadvisor Premium
It's been said that nothing changes until something changes. Keep in touch!
SamanthaE Premium
Thank you. I will be doing a lot of reading and will check out your blog. I've been researching Affiliate Marketing for years but I haven't done much about it. Now it is time for me to really get serious.