Posts by Samzoo 8
January 13, 2010
Finally I'm back in business here at WA! My beautiful little son entered the world just before new year, and it has been a busy time since then, but now I'm back and I will keep on working towards my success!
November 25, 2009
Ok, time to post something again. It's been a while since my last post. I have been very busy moving to my new house lately.  But the last two days I have been working really hard on my AM stuff both promoting WA and other niches.  I'm starting to grasp more and more, especially niche and keyword researching. It feels great! So, now I'm working on some campaigns I have strong beliefs in. I will never give up! No matter what! I will keep on working with this until I see success!
Yesterday, I completed and published my first article promoting WA. I took me many hours, but finally it's up and running and hopefully dancing with Google soon...   Here it is: My First WA Promotion Article
November 15, 2009
Yesterday, I decided to join the super affiliates program, so today I have been reading the first 2 lessons. This is really good stuff! Tomorrow, I will start writing my first article to promote WA. Looking forward to it.
November 14, 2009
YES!! Finally I managed to publish my first Article as a lens on Squidoo. Felt so good! Thank you to all people here at WA that has made resources available for us to get going as fast as possible. I'm so excited today, because the last days have been a struggle with niches, keywords, products to promote and all this. But now I can set one of my first goals to completed.  And hopefully, it will be easier for me writing the next article.  Here's the link to my article: My First Article
November 11, 2009
Yesterday, my goal was to find an appropriate affiliate program with a relevant product for my new audience. I must admit, I had some struggling with this. I first found it hard to find good keywords within my niche, and also had some difficulties finding a good product to promote.  Read a lot of tutorials especially by PotPieGirl, about Squidoo, keyword research and etc. It really helped! I decided to go for Amazon associates with my first article, and I also found my product there. So tod
November 10, 2009
During my first 3 days here I was reading tutorials, beginner guides and a lots of forum posts.  But yesterday I decided to start taking action, and practice what I've learned so far. I decided to start with Article Marketing as my budget is quite small right now (It will grow!!).  First of all I started to write down my goals, both long term and short term. I also added some tasks to be done the next 2 weeks. Today I have done my first research of an industry that interests me, and ma
November 07, 2009
My first blog post here at WA! I'm so glad I found this site. I have tried a lot of other stuff on the internet when it comes to making money online, but have always been disapointed.  I really hope and believe this a great place to be.  What do you experienced people think?