So much to learn...

Last Update: July 09, 2012
As a newcomer to the WA site, I must admit that I'm a little astounded at the amount of information here and how much I have to learn! I finished up my ten day trial and signed up so I've been here for a little bit, but I've barely scratched the surface.... That being said, it's awesome to be able to sit here in my pj's, with my puppy, and read, research, write articles, work on my site... dream a little :)

The first couple of days during my trial I skipped all over the place, trying to read as much as I could so that I could make an informed decision as far as continuing on or not. I came to find that wasn't really helpful because I just kept getting distracted and sidetracked and couldn't keep much of anything straight! I ended up following the "your first ten days" section and got quite a bit accomplished (found a niche, bought a couple of domain names, started building my sites, started writing at street articles etc). I learned so much from just that little section of the WA site that I was inspired to purchase a membership and I'm now following the 30 day plan (it's so much easier to remain focused and keep moving in the right direction this way!).

It's an adventure, and I still have a lot to learn and a long way to go but I'm excited and inspired by the challenge! This site is awesome and the community is amazing - very friendly and willing to help out a newbie, which is much appreciated! Hopefully here in the not too distant future I'll be posting about some great successes with my web ventures, and I'll have learned enough that I can help out some others who might need it as well!
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veronica.l Premium
Following the 30 day success plan is a great place to start! You are on the right track!
Just let us know if you have any questions at all and we will be happy to help,

Best of luck to you,
saxon Premium
Thanks so much! I'm sure I'll take you up on that offer because I'm building two websites at the moment and I know I'm going to have questions :)