Duplicate Content Doesn't Work

Last Update: March 05, 2011

It's funny how like last month, my numbers for my internet radio show was extremely low. Usually they are high, so you know it had me worried and concerned.

So, I took it upon myself to take a look back at all my shows with 400 and more archive listens and see why they were receiving high numbers. I looked at:




Then I looked at the blogs I created for all my shows. I'm currently using PotpieGirl's "One Week Marketing" to internet market my shows, but anyways, I realize one mistake I was doing that was brining my shows numbers down.

On my blogs, I saw that:

1. I was using the same title on my blogs for that "show'

2. Non of my posts were "unique".

BOOM! I figured it out!!!! It was because of my duplicate blogs, Google was punishing me. Then I realized that I wasn't doing my keyword research effectively, then when I first started.


So, what have I learned from this?

Well, Never put duplicate out on the net, my title  and decription for my shows has to have my keyword in them. One or two of My tags has to have my keyword in it and the rest of the tags has to be "closly related or relevant". Also, my keywords has to have a low competition with high searches.


I'm just glad that I got my numbers back to normal. Mannnnn, the power of "internet marketing skills" is enssential.

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saytue_sayewhat Premium
Yes, it does feels great, because I can't imagine if I didn't know anything about internet marketing...smh
@wandah>>>>oh yea, def got room for a friend:-)
taku123 Premium
Feels great when you can figure it out on your own sometimes! Glad your numbers r back to normal.
wandah Premium
I hear you . I have just figured out a similar problem on another one of my sites.

I need to do some house cleaning.

Have you got room for another buddy.