SCAM, I Think Not

Last Update: July 09, 2010

Well I finally tried to explain what I am doing to my sensible social worker daughter last night.

Of course when she asked me how much money I have made and my answer was "None," she

immediately thought "SCAM!!!!"  I must continue on and prove her wrong!!!!! I really want this to

work.  She was funny and asked me, "How do you know all of those people are not the same

 person?"   You guys are all real aren't you??????????????????



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jatdebeaune Premium
People are funny. When I graduated from college as an Illustrator, having graduated in the top 3% of my class, it took me months and months to get a job and make my first bit of money. I hit the New York pavement relentlessly every day. It all grew and I grew and became successful. Maybe that was a scam too and I should have quit after the first year of struggle. I'm only telling you this because not every thing a person chooses to do is easy. Sometimes the best things are the toughest and riskiest, and that is no measure of your potential to achieve what you're after. There is such a prejudice about IM. Just tell your daughter she's not doing it, you are.
Jamie Smith Premium
I am the real deal, please feel free to have your daughter tune into our station. iTunes>Radio>Electronica>BassDrive
Louise M. Premium
Haha! yep, people still think that it's only "real" when you make 2,500,000 over night! Funny, it's what the scams claim!!! lol
Be patient, ask your family to be patient and to trust you. And if you fail, you'll learn a lot but in the meantime, don't allow yourself to fail, be consistent. You know why many affiliate marketers fail at it? They are not patient, they quit when they see they haven't made a sale in 2 months! Don't. Good luck and thanks for your kind words on my profile "Mum"! ;)
BradB Premium
Hi sbarry966,...
I gotta tell you, and your smart daughter.....that if you are looking for instant results then she is right,......EVERYTHING is a scam.

One of the biggest problems I faced and the mass majority of people new to being there own boss faces is that of mindset.

You really have to begin to see money and it's relationship to people and their need to spend it in a completely different way.
And no one can teach it to you.........which is a bummer because the only way for YOU as an individual to learn it is to get in there and get some experience.

The only shortcut I know of, (that actually works), is to get in the habit of DOING at least as much as you learn.

Spend 2 hours learning.......spend 2 hours doing what it says.
And be very, very strict with yourself..........Big Time.
The internet makes it far too easy to goof around looking out the window when you need to buckle down and get to work.

By the way the concern your daughter stated is a reality for scores of people on the Internet in general and many right here in WA.
They are constantly learning and spending money on this that and the other sure-fire easy as pie ding-a-ling thing..........but they never get on their knees and get to work.

Another super important......(don't tell anyone it was me who told you).....even in the WA crowd you are going to have many things marketed to you that you simply don't need...............

It may be true that as you become a pro you will want to get some of those gizzmo's that save time but not now.

Everything you need is either here in the back office or is 100% free online.

Get in the forum and use the Search feature to look up issues you have a problem with and let us all know how it is going.
One of the ways to learn is to teach and share what you know and there are many people here practicing it daily.
