IM Either You Have IT Or You Dont

Last Update: April 28, 2010

Internet Marketing is starting to frustrate me beyond belief. I would of thought by this point since i have an understanding of the IM concept regarding backlinking and article marketing, SEO etc. I would of made a few sales by now.


I know it takes time and i have been doing this for 6 months and about 10 hours a day on average but I have only one sale to my name. I am really stating to think IM is a you have IT or you don't.

I get so frustrated seeing people come WA and making a lot of sales in their first week of starting IM while I sit here and wonder what the F***K I have been doing wrong. I have even contacted a lot of people on here and have picked their brains.

The most frustrating part is after consulting with them it seems we are doing the same things except they are successful and im not.

I am happy for those people so don't get me wrong. However this is why I think you have IT and you are a lucky one or you are like me and it just is not going to work out for you.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Don't compare yourself to other people. Some of the best marketers took a long time to catch on. I also had difficulty getting all the parts to connect in a cohesive way. I over complicated it. When you least expect it, it comes together. Have you tried PPG's The Dam Way? My instincts tell me you need to really simplify the process. That's advice I gave myself that has worked.