About SeanDye
Joined December 2010
My name is Sean. I live in the Hollywood Hills in California. We have a view of Hollywood and all of Los Angeles from our house. I'm a director at a private school in the San Fernando Valley and Santa Clarita Valley. We have 11 campuses. I've been around kids all my life. My mom was a teacher. My grandmother was a teacher. My uncles and my dad were all school directors. My dad was like a character from a spy novel. He was a very interesting person. It was not easy growing up with him. However it was a lot of FUN! He did amazing things but he was always angry. I never get angry. I'm very laid-back and easy-going. The long family line of teachers stops with me though. I have a daughter. Shes a student in college in New York. She goes to The New School. Its called Eugene Lang. She is studying journalism. She is the most amazing person I have ever known. She already has a job with a huge magazine. She interviews all the stars from the Disney channel. She turned 18 last month and shes been a reporter for the magazine for three years now! Wow! I have an amazing daughter! I have a big dog, His name is Groovy. He is a bulldog. He weighs 120 pounds. He's the best dog I've ever seen. He thinks he's a lap-dog! For fun, I teach and play guitar. I play lead guitar. I love the blues. I've played in a few different bands but I don't think I could ever do that for a living. I love business. I got a degree in business from CSUN. I'm so glad I found Wealthy Affiliate University. Ive been trying to get an internet business started for a very long time. I've had a few small bits of success but nothing good enouph to mention. I love Wealthy Affiliate University. I don't know what is in store for me and my future but I will succeed! I will own a successful internet business! (or two...)
SeanDye's Accomplishments

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Old Mizer Premium
Welcome to WA and the great community that exists here. This is the best place to learn online marketing and all the tools you'll need are here. Being a member you have access to all of them. Along with the best part of this site, ...the Forum. Don't hesitate to give a shout there if you have questions. Welcome aboard.
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME to the WA community!
Glad to have you here! :)
SeanDye Premium
Hi Louise, Thanks very much for the warm welcome!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
SeanDye Premium
Hey! Thanks Jamie, I am very excited to be here. I know I'm going to have to spend the day today with the kids. they're sitill sleeping but I wish I could spend the day exploring WA!BTW, Jamie YOU were my first WA buddy! Thanks for that and I look forward to hearing more from you and al about your success!
SeanDye Premium
I added a site here on my profile. Its just something I have been trying to promote for a few months. I guess its just an experiment I tried. I hope to get very good at this but, at the moment, I dont think I know enough!
SeanDye Premium
Hi, I am very excited to be here. Id love to hear from everyone. However it looks like I will be overwhelmed with so much to learn for the next few weeks! Im excited about that! Ive been trying to get a successful internet business started for a very long time. I feel like I have found the right place and the right people to help me succeed!