Day #2: Commuinty / Patience + Consistent Work = ....

Last Update: March 29, 2010


Everyone has been very responsive and supportive.

 I have gone through the first step of the new training in the training center and have came across the 2 day waiting period where the training wants you to practice more of what you have learned.  This is very interesting to me because the training wants you to really grasp the material as long as I am practicing it. 

Although this is great to learn and be patient, I still want to practice what I am able to learn.  So I have been able to open the old training steps and practice from there.

 I am very thankful for the community opening up to me and hope to really learn how to communicate and maintain  value in the WA Space forum.  It is challenging to be patient.


I honestly hope that this my hard/smart work and taking action with WA training will bring profitable goal oriented success.  


It's challenging but be patient, patient, patient......

It's challenging but keep working working working....

This is call persistance....



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