Posts by SeoVaage 2
September 07, 2011
 As i said in my last blog post, i was ready to get serious about my internet marketing business again, and i  indeed have gotten more serious lately. My "main" website that promotes wake up lights on amazon is going great, and sales are ticking in, in july i had 7 sales, Agust i had 9 sales :) still none in september but traffic is steadlity coming trough. i have made myself a daily work plan, to post at least 1 article or page on each of my 3 websites every day, and this se
My New Beginning. I have been very inactive and barely done anything IM related except checking my analytics and amazon associates accounts for the last 3-4 months.  And i now feel that it is in high time to get my ass in gear again and start working on my dream. I feel that i am definitly capable of making a living from internet marketing so i will NOT give it up this easy. lately i have been to the bank, and i opened a standard online bank account, and ordered a Credit card for it, so tha