How to Turn Off Your Brain

Last Update: January 28, 2011

Not sure how you guys and gals do it but my brain seems to go on overdrive about marketing. I find it hard to pick one thing to do and not get distracted. I suppose it is a good thing in a sense because its like ideas come flooding in all the time but man is it annoying. Maybe it's more the fact that I get distracted too easily and my impatience to see things through is something that I am working on. But how do you sit down and focus on one task for any length of time? What is it that you successful marketers tell yourself or do that allows you to remain so focused? 

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Labman_1 Premium
Pop over to Jennifer's space (PotPieGirl) and check out the mind eraser technique that she outlines.
jatdebeaune Premium
I think everyone experiences what you describe. Take one task at a time and force yourself to stay with it until you achieve a certain amount then go to the next task. First, design a simple strategy that will get you some results, and do one part of it at a time. Simplicity is where it's at. In the beginning, you want to test everything. Simplicity is the answer.
I've been there!