Posts by Sethjohns1 2
January 23, 2011
Ok. It has begun. I just registered my first domain. In the (golf ) niche. I know very broad but guess I can worry with that later. My first intentions are to put together some quality articles pertaining to golf instruction and just go from there. I use to play professionally so this is something that I feel I could do relatively easy.  I am not too concerned about monetization at the moment.  Keep ya posted on progress... Seth J
January 23, 2011
My name is Seth Johnson. I am somewhat of a "newbie" in affiliate marketing. Came across this site around a year ago the first time. Read some great reviews so decided to join. I was very intrigued and impress with all that was inside. So much material and information it was almost overwhelming. I stayed with it for a couple of months and soon realized I wasn't ready to give it a fair shake. Too much going on with my job and other circumstances prevented me from giving 100 perce