
Last Update: April 16, 2010

 Hello all!

I am very excited about starting my journey with Wealthy Affiliate! I thought that the first thing that I should do was to set a attainable goal for myself so that I have something to work for. My initial goal is to go through the materials and learn the basics. My first money goal would be to earn enough money to purchase groceries for my household for the month. I a very committed to this and I look forward to working with everyone.


Thanks for reading!


P.S. I will update the blog as I move closer to my goal.

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Louise M. Premium
Good luck Serena! Settting up goals is a good way to always move toward them and really take action! :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Set yourself 1month 6month 1year and 5year goals when looking @ the BIG picture. You will be buying much more than groceries.