About Shamus99
Joined February 2009
Hi everyone , my name is Roy I am 27 years old,

I am new to IM , but I am learning fast , everything is possible.

I will do what it takes for me to work less and live more .

I wish you all happiness , success , and joy in your life.
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Marlon Premium
hey there Roy, just saying what up here, hope things are going well for you here at WA!

shamus99 Premium
Hallo Marlon , everything is ok , I just need to focus more on 8 week course good luck !
JulesDPH Premium
Hi Roy:

I just joined recently as well. Already I've learned much more than I expected I would. I would suggest right off - that you start the 8 Week Action Plan, read all the links, and do all the homework. Everything in the training is very organized, and that has been very beneficial to me - especially as overwhelming as all of this information is. Good luck to you in your endeavors!!

shamus99 Premium
Hi Jules , I also newbie in this business thank you and I wish you all the best.. see you around.
traxxasplay Premium
Welcome Roy! I joined about a month ago and I love it. It is the best decision that I have ever made. Good Luck to you!
shamus99 Premium
Hi ,Thank you , I also just starting IM everything is possible .I wish you much succsess.
dandk Premium
Hello Roy,

Welcome to W.A. and this is a place for all levels of online Marketers. "Newbies" no need to panic any more!

Few things to help you
1.Do not feel pressured or be in a hurry.

2.Take it one day at a time.

3.Use the forum and ask questions if you need help.

4.Go through the 8 week action plan and take your time and apply what you learn

5.Remember: This is a real business, do not try to make the quick cah Mentality and then Quit when it does not seem to work out.

6. Remember: People have to work the programs, people have to work their business.

7.You Can Make It Happen.

8.Stop program hopping.

9.Smile it will work out for you.


Pressing Forward & Not Looking Back!
David & Katsue
shamus99 Premium
Hi thank you for your advices , I will follow them ,I wish you success , prosperity and long and happy life .
catherine48 Premium
Welcome to WA Roy this is the perfect place to work on your dream.
shamus99 Premium
Hi Catherine
Thank you for your greeting.. good luck in your journey