Out With The Old,In With The New

Last Update: May 17, 2012

I have had success since joining WA over 2 years ago (success being a couple of thousand dollars a year and nothing more) yes, not much but better than nothing, and most of that came from Halloween niche and a couple of other niches I should never have even entered.

I have near 20 mini Halloween sites that do ok all year round and bring in a few hundred at Halloween and after. They are all Exact Match Domains and though I love the Halloween niche and it has made me some extra cash, I need advice in what I am thinking of doing next.

Basically, I am contemplating in the next few days, buying a new domain, slowly building an authority Halloween site, and closing down all the other mini sites and moving all the content to the new authority site which will have extra features such a recipes, Halloween news, articles, video and so on.

My reasons are, managing over 20 sites I just do not have the time. Working on backlinks for so many sites I do not have the time, plus now with the new Google updates, Exact Match Domain especially for Halloween costumes etc. is a waste of time since preference has now been given to the bigger companies such Amazon etc.

I intend to close all sites and cancel domain packages rather than try sell domains. I would like to know what my fellow WA’rs think, any advice would be much appreciated, am I doing the right thing, is it the right move?

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Malablues Premium
Pinterest would be a great place to drive traffic to your Halloween site. I love viewing all the different costumes on Pinterest.
sherbet penny Premium
Yep I use pinterest alot, great for traffic especially for my literature site.
Carson Premium
sherbet penny Premium
Thank you Carson, time to move on, Bit nervous especially when you read you need thousands of mini sites to make good money (Aidan Booth apparently had 1200 sites) but as I'm not after big money, the one site is for me.
Carson Premium
sherbet penny Premium
Yes Carson, way too much for one person.